Dear Customers,
We understand how important it is during these times to deliver value to your customers. We want to make sure that you can deliver your unique content to customers on multiple media platforms. Especially ones that are convenient from the workspace of a home. If you are not providing your content in an online digital edition format, I’d like to extend a special offer to you.
During this time of the COVID-19 Virus, ESP will convert, establish gatekeeping, and host your digital edition at no charge. This special offer will be valid until July 2020. You are welcome to cancel this service after that time at no charge. If you wish to continue with the service, there will be a conversion cost of $75 each issue and a fixed monthly maintenance fee of $250.00.
At ESP, your success is important to us and we hope you find this tool to be beneficial in the current climate and in the future as well. It’s important for us to provide you with services that make sense, and add value to your brand and help your customers.
Please contact your AE if you wish to take advantage of this service.
For more info on our digital product, please click on the video below.
You can experience a live demo of the digital product by contacting your AE for login details.
P.S. FYI –We know that many people are now working at home. If you have a b2b pub and you want to offer your subs an easy way to change their address from work to home, we can easily blast out an email with a customized link to allow customers to change their print copy address from work to home. For additional information, please contact your AE and they can coordinate a selection and email notification.
Copyright © 2020 ESP Computer Services, Inc, All rights reserved.